As a loving parent, you are here because you want the best for your child.  And as an adult, you are on our page to propel your social skills to the next level.  We appreciate you – welcome to M. Shannon Etiquette Training!
Do you want your child to behave appropriately in social events without having to worry?  Imagine never having always to remind them to write thank you cards or hold their eating utensils correctly.  Significantly, children develop a sense of confidence and security that will last a lifetime when they do what’s expected of them in social situations.
In today’s fast-paced society, it only takes a few seconds to make the first impression, weather right or wrong. However, proper etiquette and remarkable social skills are crucial for polite, healthy, thoughtful, and friendly interactions with parents, peers, and other adults.
In M. Shannon virtual etiquette and social skills courses, children and adults alike develop impressive behaviors in a fun-filled, interactive environment that encourages their imagination, curiosity, and innovation. Be ready to see your child grow into a considerate, kindhearted young person within our short training period.

Our online etiquette courses are exclusively designed to improve attitude, confidence, and social engagements. We teach life skills that will massively benefit children and adults every day, to help them stand out in today’s highly competitive world.

M. Shannon Etiquette training offers an exceptional solution to promoting children’s social success at an affordable price point.

Don’t just invest in your child’s academics and athletics. Invest in their etiquette and social skills too!

“Good manners will open the doors that the best education cannot –CLARENCE THOMAS.”

Indicators of Poor Etiquette and Social Skills

  • Children who show disrespect to people, especially parents and elders
  • Children who lack confidence, self-restraint, and self-esteem
  • Children misbehaving at home, in public, or at school
  • Children who are selfish or do not like sharing things
  • Children who lack proper grooming, i.e., don’t maintain neatness
  • Children name-calling, yelling, or being too shy, avoiding conversation
  • Children throwing tantrums and always acting out of control

We provide training on the following topics:

  • Table Manners
  • Table Settings
  • Social Etiquette
  • First Impressions
  • Behaviors In Public
  • Telephone Manners
  • Body Language
  • Good Sportsmanship
  • Proper Grooming
  • Proper Conversations
  • Showing Respect
  • Shaking Hands Properly
  • Image and Clothing
  • Bullying
  • and much more!

What People Are Saying About M. Shannon Etiquette Consulting: